Ultimate Sustainability

Build a decentralized Agent hierarchy to represent the entire set of UN Sustainable development Goals (SDGs).
Stand up a common database to “track” the process from Targets to Indicators, predictive plus actual.

Features that make the potential for high (AI-enabled) added value:

  • watch for emergent Strengths and Opportunities in disparate global contexts (“what works – where – why”)
  • watch for emergent Weaknesses and Threats (cultural, political, resource scarcity…)
  • plan to replicate and scale up the Good - and mitigate the Bad - wherever possible
  • make implicit data and deep mutual causal interactions more explicit, to achieve a common understanding
  • create a trusted baseline and universal dashboard for objective reporting and corrective actions
  • use and enhance existing means of implementation and verification (for example: the Carbon Token Ecosystem “on Blockchain”)
  • watch the adoption, rates of change and direction of the most impacting technologies (e.g. the Gartner Hype Cycle is a good model).

Collaborate with UN on updating and redefining the SDGs if and when necessary:


It occurred to me that the “baseline” for an Ecosystem that incorporates all of the UN SDGs should be a close representation of all interactions between Humanity and Earth’s Ecosystem – from climate-driven Biomes down to the most microscopic life and structures. If so, it should be possible to ratify that the SDGs are a complete and accurate set, and that the plans for corrective action are therefore a more holistic set.

For example: how does the extinction of individual species relate directly or indirectly to our efforts to implement the SDGs? What about the same for climate change? Do these things ever support each other, are they mutually exclusive, do they conflict and where? What are the best things we can do today / next week / next year? …

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The OECD have a “regional dashboard” for identifying and monitoring the gaps - 600 regions and cities to-date. This suggests that organizations could “champion” the journey to individual Indicators, using the OECD template to drive appropriate crowdfunding, local talent engagement and the creation/deployment of appropriate ANI Agency to assist.
Measuring the distance to the SDGs in regions and cities (oecd-local-sdgs.org).

Additional links and appropriate models:


{Many thanks to Mario Sebok | The SU Global Community for this suggestion}


The United Nations Global Week to #Act4SDGs (17-28 September) aims to drive collective action, mobilizing key stakeholders from all sectors to drive change while reminding world leaders that people around the world are doing their part to accelerate progress on the SDGs.
The mobilization ambition for 2021 is to inspire at least 100 million people to take individual and collective SDG action – from 56 million in 2020 – with an overall target of mobilizing 1 billion actions by 2030.

I thank Baukunst Baukunst | The SU Global Community for enabling this connection to be made between the AI marketplace potential and the specific SDG actions. Ignorance is no longer an excuse!

An additional resource that might prove useful in creating the Ecosystem baseline: Our World in Data which also has an SDG tracker to measure progress: https://sdg-tracker.org/. Thanks to Francisco Rios from the SU community ( https://app.su.org/members/5213910 ) for sharing!

I wholeheartedly support this initiative. Clear, realistic goals and defined methods to accomplish them must be implemented.

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Another potentially very useful collaboration partner: Omdena is “…bringing together the global AI community with impact-driven organizations to educate, innovate, and deploy AI solutions”.

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