DEEP Funding brainstorming

I think you need a specific narrow AI like what I proposed earlier for playing poker. Hyperon would then recognize that what the user wants is a prediction from the poker AI, and it would make that connection, potentially passing the relevant information to the narrow AI for processing. Please @bengoertzel correct me if I am wrong.

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Yes I think one pluribus like on hyperon could be very nice ! But poker is a game of money. And I think we should focus on giving solutions to providers because the solutions for players are way too obscure if you dont have any experience before and if you follow all computer advices in real time you are just cheating :wink:
I was more suggesting about an AI who could extrapolate on why the computer do this thing rather than another one. What if I do the other thing ? where do my loss in EV come from ?

@Roro Models that are capable of explaining themselves is in no way a solved problem. For sure an interesting area of research, but at the moment if the AI could ‘explain why’ it does something, that would amount to > “because trial and error with my specific configuration led me to the conclusion that this play is optimal” or maybe “The gradients told me to do it”

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@Roro What if instead, it acted as a training partner or as its own entity? You could set something up giving players the option to play against it. Perhaps the money they receive for winning is greater than the pool (some advantage multiplier for the players). They use AGI to play against it, winner takes the AGI.
If it were a training partner, perhaps you play against it, and after you select an action, the AI’s suggestion is provided, (or the probability distribution over the action that the AI would use in your position is revealed)

That would be nice for sure, in the poker world there is some apps where you can train with already solved solutions as you suggest. But sometimes the proposition of what you should play is very obscure and could change between two situations who could look very similar for humans, especially if they don’t know what they should look at.
I think it is important for the training partner to give you something you could use in practice against humans - likes what parameters are importants ==> if put data in spreadsheets of multiple solved hands you can speculate on why the computer does what he does. Isnt possible for an AI to do it too ? and merge the two AI together to create something good haha (even with an other one trained with hands played by humans to have a better adjustement over frequencies when suggesting something to the end user)

Partypoker launch one “bot” to advise players - I have no clue if it is some sort of IA or just something comparing what your statistics are with some spreadsheets but there is for sure a market in “poker education”.

Hi all,

I’d like to pitch in 9 fields of possible exploration. Maybe some of that are boo-boo, but in my head they are fun. Maybe for you too :slight_smile:

  1. AI for longevity, so that could be from drug discovery, to hyper-personalised nutrition advices and deep learned aging clocks to neuroscience and synthetic biology. I’d love to see SNet in that field especially due to ethical reasons.

  2. Adding to the fake news topic, deep fakes are to be considered and flagged as well.

  3. Cybersecurity - especially with quantum computing on the rise and Google/IBM pushing commercialisation in 5y max, people, companies and govs need new encryption layers to hedge against the massive decryption capabilities of quantum computers.

  4. Chipping in on the agricultural idea, it would be beneficial to take the global data on soil per region and compare it with vegetations’ optimum soil requirements for more efficient farming.

  5. Enabling data sovereignty of users. This will become even more crucial for users to decide whom to give their data, and even monetise it, especially when you’ll have one ledger per person with all personal data. It might be best to be the first to come up with an Akinator version of real people based on all the available data points available to give the real people the possibility to own it before companies won’t let them.

  6. AI for education. Every individual learns different. Having AI to hyper-personalise the learning experience so that the maximum can be learned and the individual can fully shape its potentials would be awesome.

  7. Deep learning of books, emails and sources to extract the quint essence of what’s written (like Blinkist, but better. Blinkist is still using humans writing the reviews).

  8. Create an ethical debate AI to be put into every company board, talkshow, magazine etc to represent the robots and “their” current views.

  9. Cultural AI for art, language, legends to condense and hyperpersonalise each culture, history, family, person, nation, etc.


Hi Ben,

I have several suggestions for new projects. I think choosing only a few at a time with high potential, focus on them and make them perfect is the way to go. We need to show something really cool/useful and bring attention to SNET.

  1. Projects directly focused on improving current applications you are already working on.
    Sophia / Grace - improving speech (great text to speech with different voices), hand movements, or different AIs for different use cases (eg. Sophia the receptionist would need to be able to do X, Sophia the shopping assistant would need to be able to do Y, etc…)
    Rejuve - different health monitor functions there (eg. would be great to have a function that would recognize food allergies based on what I ate and what was detected later…)

  2. Lie detectors
    Continue with the Fake News/hoax detector - bring it to more browsers and more languages and market it properly. Fake News is a major problem we are facing now. It can be AI combined with the whole community reviews.

Personal lie detector - app on a smartwatch that would vibrate if the other person is lying with high probability / based on the tone of voice, etc.

  1. Projects that could be highly valuable for other organizations where the application would increase efficiency or decrease costs. If it is something that could be used by a lot of organizations worldwide, could the development be co-financed by potential customers (DEEP pool funding + contributions via RFAI, etc.)?

  2. Projects that would help bring attention to SNET as their main goal
    DOTA already mentioned (might bring attention but personally, I don’t like to teach AI to fight in any way).
    A cool app which results would people share with others


Hi everyone!

My name is Adrian Marquez. I am an Anthropologist and Sommelier with a love for tech, but I am not what you would call technical. I look forward to the Singularity and the amazing things that it will bring us, mainly (I hope) sparing us the drudgery of mindless work.

I do have a humble proposal. It is not very glamorous but it will potentially improve the lives of billions of people, particularly in the developing world. It’s something I have been working on for a few years.

We are starting with a greenfield (tech wise) with great potential for change.

The tl;dr: Hospitality project to help rebuild a more equitable system needs help.

Our project specializes in Hospitality.
Problem statement: Hospitality is dependent on staff of unknown talent, delivered to customers with unknown benchmarks, making customer service very challenging.

Hundreds of millions of people and dollars a year depend on service interactions that are considered ‘unmeasurable’, and frontline staff of enterprises have little resources when they change careers or need verification of their talents. And yet there are very few metrics in the trade.

As we have seen recently, without frontline staff, there is no hospitality. And we will need a better hospitality as we rebuild.

Our project Agaru gives staff and enterprises peace of mind about customer service quality in hospitality interactions. We quantify and breakdown CX, helping manage staff and operations objectively. All based on customer votes for the staff.

In essence:
We crowdsource performance reviews for frontline hospitality and service staff, creating a transportable record of skill.

We provide enterprises with an aggregate of the staff customer service performance on a daily / weekly / monthly basis. With this, talent can be spotted, and those lagging behind trained or monitored closely for improvement.
The staff owns the data and can always opt out.
By sharing the majority of our revenue ( up to 80-90%) with the participants (staff and voting customers) we will fuel the growth of the platform.

With this record enterprises can get better customer feedback and manage staff better; staff is rewarded for good performance and can have access to opportunities beyond age, gender, origin, politics or seniority at work; customers are rewarded for their participation (currently we send a bottle of wine for every 10 votes!).

We believe this is a win-win-win and the way of the future.
Our goal is that everyone that participates in the process can benefit from the interactions.

The future:
Our platform will open opportunities that were simply not possible before; by having a record of skill staff can prove their talent and have a measure of feedback that doesn’t exist now. By having proof of employability this can open doors to loans, credit, further training or better jobs. It will be like having a college degree but at 1/10000th of the cost, and it is built as the individual works.

Long Term vision:
Bring this to developing nations, where there is no trust in governments or institutions. We will empower people to prove that they are someone and contribute in some way to the world. With a record of time, place and person we can create access to opportunities based on employment ability. Imagine giving someone without an ‘official’ address access to loans, mortgages or capital for investment for SMEs.
We think that Meritocracy, not politics, should make the difference between rich and poor.

We are the ones that the prophet Peter Thiel foretold about:‘not from the Valley, not technical, will empower people’

Big picture:
Ultimately we will bring people everywhere what they deserve: Respect and dignity. Cannot be bought or sold. It will be built by the talent and effort of the individual. We will make it tangible.


  1. Digital ID
  2. Security and login
  3. Interactivity with other systems in place (banking, immigration, legal)
  4. Cryptocurrency distribution
  5. Funding for marketing

We are hoping for advice on how to setup so that our system can work with others developing distributed ledger applications and payment solutions.

By having access to a digital ID and cryptocurrency we will be able to offer our end users an alternative to banking systems and similar financial institutions that have no way to take into account their skills into their credit worthiness.

Moreover we will share our profits with all the stakeholders (staff and customers) that make the ecosystem possible. This can create a rapid effect of ‘real world’ adoption and use of the choice cryptocurrency in a variety of countries, regardless of regulations or limits.
And as we mentioned, with a record of time, place and person we can create businesses and access to opportunities based on employment ability. Imagine giving someone without an ‘official’ address access to loans, mortgages or capital for investment for SMEs. All based on their talent. This is a real game changer for which there is tremendous need in developing nations, which compromise 80% of the world.

Here is a sad forecast, if we do not do anything:

A “nowcast” (preliminary estimate) for 2020, incorporating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, projects that an additional 88 million to 115 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty, bringing the total to between 703 and 729 million.
“The new poor” probably will:
Be more urban than the chronic poor.
Be more engaged in informal services (like hospitality) and manufacturing and less in agriculture.
Live in congested urban settings and work in the sectors most affected by lockdowns and mobility restrictions.
Middle-income countries such as India and Nigeria will be significantly affected; middle-income countries may be home to 82% of the new poor.

So far we have 5 PhD’s on board from diverse backgrounds and countries (mostly female).
They all think the idea is worthy pursuing and will help us connect with their trade organizations and networks.
A former secretary of the UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organization) loves the project and has offered us to help.

Covid was a real wrench in the works, but we have data of 50+ enterprises from around the world in 13 countries and hundreds of staff on the record.

Come check us out at
Here is our deck, geared to the Social Impact side of things:

If you come across talented people in hospitality (waiters, bartenders, baristas, etc) Please let us know and vote for them. Its easy, simple, and your vote and gratitude will make someone’s day.
Technology combined with gratitude, ‘the nicest of all emotions’, can propel us in this modern era to a higher, more humane plane.

YOU make the difference. Vote for talent and help us help talent rise.

Thank you.

Adrian Marquez
Anthropologist, Sommelier, Founder

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Can AI help deter physical attacks to steal crypto - a.k.a. $5 wrench attacks?

Imagine a wallet that studies facial, voice characteristics, pulse rate (adrenaline, cortisol…) to determine if threatened by a gun to the head type situation. It asks you to repeat a phrase. Has you show the room you are in 360 degrees. (this wallet is only for the most treasured funds.)

How would it know you are not just stressed out for other reasons? It does all these tests with chosen contacts as well. These are your multi-sig partners. And since these are also people who a determined attacker might try to kidnap to use as ransom, they become useless to the attacker if they are necessary for the wallet to send funds.

Widespread knowledge that such a wallet exists could help prevents such attacks in the first place.

(i posted this a few days ago, but maybe this thread is the more appropriate place for it)

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It’s an interesting use-case for a reusable set of agents that can process measurable physical inputs and infer emotional state. It’s a challenging area of AI research (and I have some good friends spending years specialising purely in empathetic and emotional AI), and not surprisingly there’s a lot of companies who already claim to have systems that can reliably infer in this way - though the actual effectiveness doesn’t always match the promises. Also worth noting is the difference in behaviours that arise from different cultural norms (though perhaps arguably fear might be more universally displayed than, for instance, approval). It’s very easy to make quite disastrous decisions in this space.

I would guess use-case and consequence of the decision would be key in understanding the risk. An app that measures your voice timbre and encourages you to calm down might be allowed mistakes (though my phone would be in the bin within two minutes TBH); one that looks for signs of stress to indicate dishonesty in a consequential life decision (getting a job, for instance) would be much more problematic.

Lots of great ideas in there. Perhaps you could dive into one (or two) and expand the thinking?

Adrian, although your lengthy post looks attractive, I could not disagree more with your basic belief about human nature and that is our nature is fixed. There is one majjajf flaw in your entire little goal of yours. You operate under the basic belief that every individual is assuming their best when performing a task so that the computers can spot out the talent. However,fdfdf what if I told you that super intelligent humans actually make mistakes on purpose because they choose not to reveal their personal agency that they have been graced with? I agree that by believing that our nature is fixed makes it more easier for a machine to judge your personal agency but that doesn’t mean this is the way we should go about judging and labeling human being’s identities!

I can do that for you Matthew no worries. His entire proposal can be simplified by a basic belief that he and his entire team of PHD’s (which by the way, me too) believes that all of our nature or put simply our make up is fixed from birth and can’t change. He’s just saying everything that Marc Cortez believes. There are many many many many problems with this Matthew that you as a Techy guy does not realize.

1.) It puts a cap on your intelligence

2.) It is against all sorts of transhumanism

3.) It hinders an AGI machine to its full potential

4.) I haven’t even got into explaining and arguing of who get’s to have that special so called authority to be able to deconstruct people and then label them and FORM them into the identities that they should be formed in. This is actually an obsessive way to control other people instead of doing the much harder task which is to figure out how to spot intelligence by programming an AGI to have an open nature viewpoint on human beings. This is 100 times harder because the laws of science will not work when you try to adopt this mode of reductionism on behalf of humans where every human’s actions is a nexus to ones personal agency in there ontological nature. There is a much accurate way to figuring out who is more intelligent than who where the people who are doing the judging are not BIAS in there choosing. I mean who wouldn’t be bias dude in this choosing selection.

This Idea spontaneaously serviced with my colleagues today:
Have a Teams (or Zoom /Meet etc) plugin that:

  • Transcribes the text from the meeting (perhaps including the names of the people speaking)
  • Creates a summary as a Meeting Minute.

@Jan_H this sounds great, plausible to develop too I would think

Brett, I really like your comment here. I also think there should be a reward system in place where the information that is being presented in terms of knowledge is then rewarded with access to intelligent people. Currently, unless your rich, have a certain number of followers etc, you can’t get access to powerful people. I think an AI service that is able to judge million dollar ideas is not only verified but then rewarded and have the ability to grant access to powerful people to continue to tweak out those ideas.

Smart cities based on blockchain, artificial intelligence, and robotics are developing all over the world (eg “Woven City” (Japan), “Utopia” (Nevada), Cloud Valley (China).
SingularityNet could develop an open source smart city framework to support such projects around the world.

There will always be a cheater who will not be punished :* and this is the creator °-°


I create a new topic for idea in Translated instant voice acting - Projects / Suggest a Project - SingularityNET

@bengoertzel appreciate the opportunity.

Hi Matthew, sure thing!
It’s difficult to pick just one, but staying true to the vision of reaching the singularity, I think it makes sense to shift away from linear ideas towards ones that have a broad impact.
I think with all the books/articles available, working on an AI that takes the essence out of it could be leveraged in other applications as well as it can learn from all the books and also use it in its conversations for gaining a more contextual understanding.
The difficult thing might be what type of books this AI is going to be fed with, not that it ends up forming the strongest opinion based on the largest quantity of similar inputs. Nonetheless, this could show you the Zeitgeist, how certain views or trends progress over time, how long certain trends develop to take off etc, but back to the point of using all the books in the world to learn from it will have a leverage effect on so many other aspects, especially natural language processing where you can pose complex paragraph-like questions to the AI and it understands what you want and respond accordingly.
That would then be a stage where the AI would be capable of debating properly by understanding what the user wants to know (maybe even before asking the question), and can then be put onto BoDs to represent the AI POV.