Who is Alexandra933?

Hi everyone - nice to meet you all!

Founder of Advance Tech Media and Principal Host of Advance Tech Podcast. We interviewed Mitchell from SingularityNET late last year: Mitchell Loureiro, SingularityNET

CEO and CoFounder of a digital services company with an early stage social/blockchain project.

Featured Speaker, Educator and Lead Organizer of an upcoming Identity Roundtable with BC Blockchain Forum.

Recent grad of the first module of the M.Sc Digital Currency MOOC 9 via University of Nicosia. (94% !)

If you’re ever in Vancouver, BC Canada you’re welcome to join our first Tuesday social: Advance Tech Social. We’re a small connected crew who make things happen. PM me for details.

If I can help you navigate the cryptosphere in any way don’t hesitate to reach out :slight_smile:


Welcome, Alexandra!

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Hello Alexandra :slight_smile:

Great to see you here, we need all the exposure we can get and with the kind of gravitas you clearly posses it’s clear your work can help.



Hi Bryan

and Tim - happy to help! Let me know what you need.

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Sure - we’re creating a community page on advancetechmedia.org and I’d be happy to link to this forum. Would need a logo and short bio (200 words)

@ibby - is this possible?

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Welcome to the Forum Alexandra! Sure of course. Want me to email it to you?

@ibby sure! alexandra.moxin@advancetechmedia.org

Below is the messaging I’d like to use, but please feel free to modify:
The new SingularityNET Forum is a civilized place for public discussion to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation. Participants are encouraged to move the discussion forward by contributing and engaging in reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation. The SingularityNET platform enables multiple AI computing agents to work as a whole to provide various services in a distributed and decentralized way.

Just need a PNG, JPG or SVG logo