Redistribution of resources and roles in the public sector demands that organisations increase productivity, meet key performance indicators and be more connected to the consumers while delivering higher-quality services.
from digitisation which bolts new technology onto old processes, towards a comprehensive revision of policies, processes and services to create simpler user experiences for citizens and frontline workers alike.
If you have a mess and automate it, you have an automated mess, so what is required is a rethink, and to achieve this requires a change in the governance of the organisation.
Automation is already been rolled out by the public sector in areas such as:
Central Government
Universal Credit and benefits calculations, tax calculations, anti-fraud checks, licensing applications processing.
Local Government - Revenue collection, permit applications, incident reporting, case management, contract administration.
Policing - Traffic control, fixed penalty processing, intelligence reporting, crime reporting, firearms licence processing and replacing the need for officers to double key the same information into different systems.
Health - Coding, diagnostics, discharge processing, outpatient clinic outcomes, cashing up, always available drone defibrillators,
Education - Managing admissions and enrolments, student timetabling and estates utilisation, student finance management, course assessment data handling, alumni database maintenance.
Public Transport - Automated public transit systems, busses, trains, trams and other autonomous vehicles that can be licenced such as UBER etc.
Other Public services - Autonomous road sweepers, gardeners and cleaners, plus so many more.
These technologies can all be interconnected and operate together with perfect synchronicity controlled by a Decentralised Autonomous organisation overseeing the governance. This is what is known as a Smart City.
Today on #AGICHAT we wonder what you think about these ideas and usages of automation. Let’s discuss:
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