Understanding what it means to be involved with AI as an individual

Good evening everyone, my name is Geoffrey Lopez and I am interested in learning about the future of AI for the benefits of my children’s future. I have made an effort to research this through web searches which led me to Ben Geortzl and Hugo de Garis videos. The idea of democratizing this idealogy of AI is very apealing to me. I sincerely worry about my children’s future in the workspace and know that they will have to choose wisely in the next 15 years when it comes to a career. I would like to connect with other fathers who have the same worries as me and see how we are dealing with this. This topic I open is for everyone. Thanks in advance for sharing! :slight_smile:


Great topic are you aware of the
astropi project?

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The one for school age fathers?

Yes, exactly. :grin: