Ultimate Generative AI

Today I read this article about Generative AI: What is generative AI and why is it so popular? Here's everything you need to know | ZDNET - it made me think about the possibilities of acceleration and transfer to other contexts.
Here is a draft proposal for a Scenario Pattern for Generative AI - perhaps waiting for maturity and acceleration-convergence in BMI, IoT, 3D printing etc. - what would be your beneficial context?

“Generative AI (for things) is created by AI models that are trained on existing (things). The model is trained on billions of (human experiences) found (in their brains, their history and their social media). The model uses this data to learn styles of (physical or metaphysical creativity in any context) and then uses this insight to generate new (things and experiences) when prompted by an individual through (thought, intent or gesture).”

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It would be a part of me
Either built into me or available as a physical assistant
We would proceed through life together and we would learn from eachother

Together we could build and manifest on the fly

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I like that Vision! I think we have the choice to converge AI with a physical assistant and/or merge with our technology… Exciting times!

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Good morning, Rich here, thank you for your write up on IOT, and automation, I believe we all have a piece of God’s DNA within us, as I said before, wouldn’t be nice to have a system that can grasp the reality to work together, for both decentralized, and centralized AI, to calibrate. I believe we all need to work together in these times, I love Technologies, our systems need security, more than ever. To keep our Internet free of malicious threats, I believe with automation, we can achieve this universally. Following God’s commandments, and statues, we can create anything I believe, with prayer, and helping others. I feel I do have an initiative, and a responsibility. To create an AI system, for the masses. I have been taking Python, courses, and I will create a system to help. Be blessed. Rich.

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Hello Rich, I like your approach based on good intent and in the direction of decentralization. It may be that we need AI to show us such truths in the future. Best wishes, Phil W