Ultimate Beneficial Decentralization

If decentralization is to be genuinely beneficial and universally available as we approach the Singularity, the “people and process elements” of any Solutions must be compatible with the “technology elements”, and clearly defined in every context to avoid any disproportionately undesirable influences.
For example, those that favour vested interests in the current global distribution of power and wealth; those that result from the actions of bad Actors; and those that result from disenfranchisement of any individuals or groups.
Today there are successful governance models in existence for the satisfaction of basic needs - social security systems, education, medical care and prescriptions etc. - and the expression of Success Factors for those models could be used to aid the definition, replication and scaling of future beneficial decentralization Solutions.

Some evidence that change is necessary… The phenomena of tangping (“lying flat”), the Great Resignation and Antiwork movements around the world are characterized by a low desire to achieve… a minimalist, opting out “protest” mainly amongst young people.
(‘Lying Flat,’ ‘Antiwork’ And The ‘Great Resignation’ Spreads Worldwide As Young People Protest Against System )

Many thanks to Lubomir Todorov (https://app.su.org/members/4783027), Francisco Ríos (https://app.su.org/members/5213910) and Bashkir Koschevsky (https://app.su.org/members/8474073) for their inputs in the development of these ideas!

Here are the proposed elements of the Vision (“Where we want to be”) for beneficial decentralization:

  • to provide resources that satisfy people’s basic needs based on the fair contribution of workers, investors and entrepreneurs etc.
  • to enable, recognize and reward passion, perseverance and hard work for an individual to be a productive contributor to future society
  • to recognize those who do not want to contribute to society by working, or do not wish to follow the “traditional” model of working to survive to retirement. There must be no “automatic” role transfer to robots and AI systems
  • the capacity of any individual to contribute to the advance of humanity must not be hindered by non-relevant circumstances such as lack of resources (money, access to education, modern laboratories, sophisticated equipment etc.)
  • there must be effective Governance so that, for example, any Individual with a passion for a bad Idea who has superb lobbying and influencing skills does not have a disproportional influence on any Solution outcomes.

Here are the proposed Success Factors (“How we will know when we get there”) for beneficial decentralization:
1- All Information that represents any Contribution to the advance of humanity is freely available in relevant context and real-time

2- Free and fair access to the Information is available to any and every Individual, for the purpose of benefitting from (e.g. learning and research) - and/or contributing to - the Information

3- Each and every Individual will have a unique and trusted identification which will be related to the Information and any Contributions they make

4- A Governance mechanism will provide a priority process for the Assessment of the potential benefit of every Contribution
{perhaps a “triage” process based on objective criteria for the context, plus any required weighted expert opinion which also ranks the criticality of need and the risks of delivery}

5- The Value of every Contribution will be immutably and explicitly associated with the contributing Individual(s) in accordance with the agreed Governance mechanism and the trusted identification

6- The Value will have appropriate mechanisms to reward the originating Individual(s), taking into account the effort invested in the Contribution, the potential and realized Benefits

7- The Value will enable other contributing Individual(s) to be immutably and explicitly associated with the development of the Information, recorded and monitored in real-time in accordance with an agreed Governance mechanism

8- The Value will have appropriate mechanisms to reward the contributing Individual(s), taking into account their ongoing efforts invested in realizing the Benefits

9- The Governance mechanism will optimize the allocation of - and access to - Resources in accordance with the Assessment results, taking into account the capacity and needs of the originating and/or contributing Individuals

10- The Governance mechanism will maintain appropriate apportionment of Resources and rewards in accordance with the Value criticality, potential and progress.

These proposals are intended to be considered in the development of Requirements and Key Performance Indicators for any organization wishing to pursue a business model based on beneficial decentralization. Any constructive feedback is welcome!


Hi Phillip, thanks for inviting me to this discussion.

We definitely share a lot in common, and currently we are at the phase where will be able to pilot and demonstrate many (but not all) items on this compilation. The ones we don’t address could all easily emerge. A few points I was unsure of the exact intention in the authorship of the language.

In terms of governance we are on the same page, and we will be able to pilot this year. Our governance model is freedom of discourse and equal access to all, with each decision being composed as one collaborative article. This allows (in principle) large consensus discussions (hundreds of thousands to millions) to be decentralized into paired one on one conversations. Those conversations determine the editing permissions on the governance article itself.

In terms of our DAO structure, we are piloting specifically a broadcast studio model, but I don’t see why it can’t evolve to accomplish much if not all of the points where applicable.

How far along is the community here with all of this? I have a demo on video but if the time is right would prefer a live demonstration over zoom so we can noodle into the context more.

I appreciate the focus here :grinning:

(Do u know how hard it is to find like minds that even understand this stuff much less interested in a conversation about it? Actually I’m sure you probably do. So glad to find this community )


Thank you @Rome_Viharo , finding “like minds” is hard, but the task of preparing adequate mechanisms of beneficial decentralization in preparation for the Singularity is perhaps the most challenging in our history!

In my opinion, the Success Factors list will need many phases and iterations before robust Solutions emerge and converge, it is inevitable that some will be constrained by the centralized status quo for a while. I don’t see a conflict with your governance model, and to reduce any latency it makes sense to express “large consensus” into governance articles where appropriate. Once you have the granularity of editing permissions though, the Oracle Problem and the verification of truth ( What Is the Blockchain Oracle Problem? l Chainlink ) may be significant challenges without a deep understanding of the motivations of all Users / Actors, and the nature and direction of consensus in your model… just for example, to one based on Proof of Contribution (Proof-of-Contribution consensus mechanism for blockchain and its application in intellectual property protection - ScienceDirect ).

You might want to contact SNET admin about the video demos etc. to get the right level of exposure and feedback. There are so many threads and activities in the community that it is difficult to capture the progress and direction on any specific point or project.
I wish you well!

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