I had not looked at quasi-crystals before, but they certainly look to be very relevant to my question , so thanks for that.
The question of of the intersection of the physical sciences, and the non-physical, is one that becomes tangled up and confused at a particular point of primordial progression. On one hand the non-physical science is aware of and tracks quite definitively one numerical progression, and the physical sciences follow a similar but distinctively different progression. This difference is explained by observing shapes and tendencies.
In the study of time, the ancients observed shapes and functions, related to products and tendencies as the primordial basis for conclusions. We must remember, that people did not suddenly become intelligent 100 years ago, but we suddenly focused on the physical sciences and the creation of comfort tools in tandem with a population explosion.
In the rapid expansion, linear thought and linear energy, by necessity excluded non-linear thought and processes. The analogy I use, is …Imagine if starting next year, humanity decided to eliminate all records and teachers of physics, and they went out in armies to each town on the planet over hundreds of years doing this. This is what happened to the ancient teachings. The mere suggestion that we have no idea how people built pyramids and stone circles, or why anyone would build them, is the observation of this effort.
Your drawings are very closely aligned to what people draw when studying time, and the layout of the diagram is precisely one way to elucidate the combination of calendars that track consciousness and shapes. So, in this respect, the physical sciences are closely aligned with the non-physical sciences.
The relevance of the crystallography, is the primordial numerical sequence is the same for crystals as it is for the 36 decans of the ancient calendars that follow shapes derived from consciousness. Of the 36 decans , 4 are always listed at the end of nearly every presentation, and are considered non-linear in function in the physical, but remain linear in their periodicity in the calendar. So, they are represented both ways depending on the culture, history and depth of study, or even the whim of the individual, but none the less, 4 are always “unique”. Thus, the question of 32 crystal classes.
This is from the “Borgia codex”, a confiscated historical record, that was taken by the Vatican from the Maya. to this day, they refuse to return it, even after a delegation personally requested this from the pope in Rome. You will observe, the numerical sequence is 32, with the depiction of 2 bird-like figures, and 2 snake-like figures forming the eyes and mouth. The 36 total.
Surrounding the 32 and 4 which represent the physical time, are the 20 culturally specific zoo types or symbols representing the 20 days. The combination of these is the understanding of the scientific observation of the difference between physical and non-physical studies of time.
It can be observed numerically as well. In the fibonacci sequence using strict mathematics the numbers would be 1,1,2,3,5,8, and 13 then 21 , then 34 etc
In the progression of actual time cycles the numbers would be , 1,1,2,3,5,8,12,20, 32 with 4 “quasi” or 36 etc
So, the divergent point of the primordial separation between “space” and “time” is 8, which is considered a sacred number of the Masculine, whereas 9 is considered the sacred number of the Feminine, and the end point of “singularity”.
The 36 decans of time, are precisely manifested in the first 36 elements of the periodic table, the I-Ching hexagrams # 21 - 56, and many other sets of observable sciences, and they correlate precisely by function, shape, certain properties, and numerical sequence, even with the 4 “quasi” listed at the end, in our physical world, with Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine and Krypton, which are in four separate groups. The same as the “four” decans listed at the end.
So, the obvious next correlation is the 32 crystal classes with the proper aspects of time. Once that is done, it can be easily predicted what result can be obtained from nearly any experiment using the combination of knowledge.
The interesting part comes when we observe the correlation of the 20 days and the 20 standard Proteinogenic amino acids , as this comes in addition to the direct precise correlation to I-Ching hexagrams 1 - 20, and the primordial elements , Tin through Ytterbium. I am currently making a video showing this, and explaining the similarities. My production skills are not up to par, but I will post it on this thread when finished.
Back to the question of crystals and consciousness or conduits in an AI. With all of this in mind, the consideration of “manufacturing” or “creating” is a bit premature to me, as the exploration of merging existing consciousness and existing material, seems to have been ignored. Currently, I would think anything manufactured or created, would immediately inhabit the agenda of the builder and the function of its origin in time. This is actually exemplified using any scientific creation and its creator. Even here, the correlation of birth time of Hanson , directly correlates with robots, in the 36 decans, and Audrey Hepburn, by virtue of a simple observation that Hanson and Hepburn are born on the same day and number in the 260 day calendar of consciousness, as is the case of Jung and Freud.
This is a good thread to continue, as I have new study to get into regarding the quasi crystals, and if you are interested here is my index for cultural representations of the days and decans, and my periodic table (unfinished) layout when combined with these. My needs are “data base” and presentation skills, as well as cross exchange with skilled people in the field of amino acids and chemistry, specific to the periodic table.
It is my firm opinion, or hypothesis, that merging the non-physical sciences, and the physical sciences, will advance our knowledge base significantly, and that the vector of this merging is already apparent, within sight, and a lot of money and energy can be saved, by leapfrogging the already ongoing adventures of LIGO and LISA.
Just as Mendeleev could easily predict presence of “other elements” so too are the constants of time and the ability to predict events or products, when other data points become known.
I cannot explain , why, our date of birth has an effect on our consciousness and product, but I can show that it does, and the rest will come from the sciences of the physical.
As we have seen, physical sciences lack ethics, as they adventure forward in the midst of competing agendas. In the non-physical sciences, the ethics are built in, so I see it as a natural marriage. We just need a lot of premarital counseling.
The properties of the “quasi crystals” seem to match quite specifically with the “four” anomalous decans. These seem to be part of the “regulator” of the “machine”, and respond to imbalance in whatever sector, of which there are many. This , very much seems to have been known by the ancients, and this is why it was impossible to concentrate power, without extracting their influence. And here we are.
Emotions are the double edged sword. Can’t live with em, and can’t live without em.