Technological evolution, finite or infinite?

Dear Singularitarians,

Currently, I am working with school, on a study on how to implement A.I. in the hospitality business. And we came across a debatable subject whether technological evolution is finite or infinite, as Moore’s Law states that technological growth is supposed to double every 2 years.

Now I was wondering, what is your take on this?

Kind regards,


The funeral for Moores law appears to have taken place.

The bigger question has been, “How did we go from horses to space ships in a hundred years ?” and will that trend continue, or hit plateaus ?
The knowledge gap is space time. There is a schedule. Find and analyze the schedule and things become more predictable. This pertains to the hospitality industry , which can easily be predicted to flourish, but would gain insights in efficiency if the knowledge of where and when were applied.
Just like people, places have distinct personalities, and their time to flourish or become attractive on different levels is on a schedule.
Just my suggestion, but I would build a data base focusing on the historic peaks and valleys of designations to determine the rise and fall of popularity, then see if a pattern emerges. When that information is cross correlated with current events and calendars, you will have a predictive model that can determine when, where, and how long , a particular destination will be popular.
Feng Shui and other practices use the calendars and directions , as they lay out on the earth, much the same as the stars. In that knowledge field for example, it is easy to predict Chicago would likely be the most violent city, or that Baltimore would have the highest rate of STD’s.
The nature of decline is not as important as the decline itself. Egypt for example, lost their tourism almost overnight, due to an anomaly, but the catalytic event, is not as important as the time and location in the study.
If you are successful, such an AI, would have applications across a broad spectrum. Global Feng Shui.The same circular patterns occupy the micro and the macro.

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Dear David,

Thank you very much on your input regarding my question and your suggestion. I will most definitely look into it, however currently this is a little too advanced for the level that my school requires me to do.

It might, on the other hand, become interesting for my thesis in the last phase of my studies.

Kind regards,
