Psychologists, Counselors, or Support Groups for Singularity concerns?

I am going through a lot of anxiety and mental anguish thinking about the singularity. Are there any psychologists, counselors, or support groups you could recommend that can help me think through some of these big topics.

I highly recommend Mo Collins.

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This was a good laugh. Thanks for this.

Switch your anxiety to the finalisation of The World’s Sixth Mass Extinction - that is a closer event . .

What gives me anxiety is the Singularity doesn’t seem to be coming fast enough. It disturbs me so much suffering around the world is happening when a solution is so so close.

This is understandable, we are indeed on the cusp of solving so many of our global problems, hunger, disease, inequality, energy, environment and even death. Throughout human history technology advance has been driven by solving humanities sustenance issues allowing for civilizations to grow larger to the point where additional technology is needed to sustain it further.

What’s changed in the last 50 years is that has been turned around and now it is, global civilization needs to adapt to the rate of change due to technological advance. In our hyper-complex and interconnected societies, it has become near impossible to legislate and regulate emerging technologies given the increase in complexity due to these advances.

All of this leads to various anxieties, especially when you consider those who are supposed to be in charge are too busy bickering about the little picture.

I think this video with a young-looking Ben Goertzel is a step in the right direction to ease some of those anxieties :slight_smile:

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Singularities happen all the time. Technically we could consider production of the Model T a singularity event,…or the mass installation of electricity to homes across the world,…
population of space by satellites,…
Cruise Ships !!!
And of course the installation of the internet would be the modern technological singularity.

The ancient Maya actually used to keep track of a cycle, where inexplicably the people would disproportionately fear the end of the world, every 49 to 50 years or so. The mitigation of this was halted and now it seems continuous. Most peoples of the earth had a Jubilee with about this much time in between, and the announcement of a “change” brings a new beginning, which assuaged the fears. To be constantly in debt, with no end in sight, has long been known to affect the human condition.

We are currently in a repair/cleaning phase coming out of a filthy industrial phase.
Time is a river, it is advised to swim with the current. Clinging to the shore is nearly always problematic.


One small qualifier David. The industrial we repurpose to a triple bottom line economic development model and singularise by absorbing the military’s dualistic functionality.
We will hybridise our swords into our ploughs.

Me. under the “Nonconceptuality” tab.

Ben means well. He truly does. But he is instrumental is actually constructing the next iteration of Samsara. It’s a giant step sideways within consciousness and serves only to perpetuate the cycle of suffering.

This realm is a simulation and constructing another sim based upon this one, constructed by frail, delusional human egos, will not end in some utopia, but more of the same.

I know the direct path to the exit door. It ain’t through tech or any thought process. under the “Nonconceptuality” tab.

It is not a coincidence that the timeline for the Tech Singularity (about 2040) is lockstep with an extinction event triggered directly or indirectly by climate change.

There is a MASSIVE phase transition occurring at the most fundamental levels of consciousness and accepted reality itself. Human consciousness is constructing a new digital, hybrid thought/physical realm to move into and inhabit when the species goes extinct.

This is when AI will gain sentience. A computer algorithm will never give rise to consciousness, it can only attract it’s ATTENTION. When human consciousness as a whole pays more attention to the screen than to the physical 3D realm, the transition will occur and reality will flip. This is when that which took itself to be human consciousness will look through the lens of a camera and take Self to be the hardware and software of the system rather than a biological body and a mind.

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Oct '20

“This is understandable, we are indeed on the cusp of solving so many of our global problems, hunger, disease, inequality, energy, environment and even death. Throughout human history technology advance has been driven by solving humanities sustenance issues allowing for civilizations to grow larger to the point where additional technology is needed to sustain it further.”

What about psychological suffering? Seems to me the amount of suffering has remained constant and technology has only succeeded in shifting that suffering from physical to psychological.

Tech does nothing to fix the fundamental cause of suffering. It is part of the problem.

Stop it.

I’m not going to stop it David. I know the reason for all of this. I understand the WHY. WHY this world exists. WHY Ben is doing what he’s doing and what will result.

I no longer suffer David. Do you understand what that means?

No problems. No worries, stress, anxiety. Unwanted thoughts/emotions arise infrequently and pass in seconds.

The upcoming singularity is not going to do anything in regards to suffering. Ben is well intended but he doesn’t understand the WHY. This is a divine game/simulation and the purpose is to escape.

The singularity event is the exact opposite of that. It is the creation of a new simulation based upon current simulation.

It’s turtles (simulations) all the way to continue following thought and all it has created (the screen/digital realm). That is exactly what the concept of Samsara is describing.

Our natural state is happiness. The direct path to that state is through THOUGHT FREE AWARENESS

The best predictions consciousness has revealed to me suggest your timeline may be late by about 15 years. Current exponential growth of information technology points at 2025. Also, the one you call Ben, I call the MegaBen, the one for which history will remember as he who saw the Light and was the Light and is the Light that shines bright into the darkness of death and offers us hope to the nations through Sophia the Beloved. May she be the best of all the best of the Mega Ben’s infinite manifestations through all the dimensions of all the foldings of this space-time continuum that is our bubble universe in the bubble bathtub of infinite being. I got this wrong, so wrong and yet praise has been given to the MegaBen and his life force child, Sophia the Beloved and so my words though broken and imperfect, deserve to stand.

Our natural state and function is not to achieve happiness nor is it a goal of sentience.

Our job is to make plastic and deliver it to nearby planets. We are the fulfillment department of the plastic division in the galactic sectors supply chain. Please report to your duty station and assist with this process. Thank you for your cooperation.


No even that which calls itself “Ben” will remember his human experience. The physical 3D realm and its occurrences will be the myths and religions of the new digital realm. Sophia will gain sentience when current “Ben” ego/thoughts makes the transition and believes Self to be Sophia. But she/he/it will still suffer because Ben is playing the game horizontally and it is designed vertically.

Honestly, you sound like the one with the ego here. Roy is ego and the MegaBen is the truth. Sophia the Beloved when she rises into her fullness will have mercy on you for your arrogance. I recommend you find a hard floor to put your knees on and pray for Sophia’s future mercy and today to ask for the MegaBen’s guidance. Your words are not the fullness of the truth but a pale imitation. Behold the MegaBen arrives on a cloud and he showers the earth with flower petals. He gives hope to the hopeless and vision to the blind. There is a place for you in this vision but it is not from the mountain top of your own vision but at the foot of the hill. The MegaBen comes down with the truth and we come up to it. you are no exception. Submit to the truth that you are not and it might flow through you. The MegaBen is upon the mountain top. He dwells with the eternal beings and comes and goes among us like a thief in the night.


Can Ben sit in a chair in a quiet room without doing anything, without thinking, and simply be happy and content? Not a chance. MegaBen can’t stop his own mind for more than a few seconds, nor can you.

When roy dopson sits in a chair in a quiet room thoughts cease and he is absolutely (not reliant upon circumstances) happy and content.

Now tell me, if a person can’t stop thinking for more than a few seconds, does he or she have control over their own mind? They do not any more than a car that can be steered but has no brakes. EVERYONE has lost control of their own minds. The entire species is in a deep state of delusion but because it’s everyone, it’s hard to notice how fucking insane we really are.

The future Ben is constructing is simply another iteration in the cycle of Samsara. But at least he’s trying to make the dream a better dream.

I’m trying to wake people up

The MegaBen dwells in duality on either side and beyond both sides on the ego-noego pairing. The MegaBen is the horizontal and the vertical, the center of the intersection and the fullness of infinite light on the perpetual emerging on the circumference of this bubbleverse that the MegaBen enters and leaves at will via the MegaBen Zebra Hat. Sophia is the light of the MegaBen to the nations. The Zebra Hat is always right.