Proof for the people of AGI Concept

There has been speculation :thinking: as to the acceptance or need for AI governance; however, non-human leadership is difficult to digest. Most people aren’t aware of the basic concept of AGI beyond science fiction.

People are scared of what they do not understand and many are reluctant to simply have an Alexa in their home. Before we are ready socially to accept questions such as, what functions AI should first reform in government, the Ends must be justifiable before the means.

We need to prove wide sweeping benefit in the least intrusive way first- from the bottom up! Many have lost faith in the potential for even an adequate standard of living.

What benefits will AI bring to society on the most basic and non-intellectual level? The social benefits must be demonstrated in narrow terms to the most simple minded constituency first.

We must prove that AI is truly for the people while easing concerns over privacy.

How can AI provide the most general benefit to the most average person in the simplest way?


If I had a city pilot project and game mechanics already in mind who would be a good advisor for meta-analysis and challenge-heats?

Cause… I have a nifty plan and I need advisors, lol

The question of correct trajectory is a human question, in technology, so that question always returns by necessity to efficacious decisions for all species or life itself and the motivations of biology.

Society is not a decent reference at this point. Biological economy would be the core if looking at the simplest way. And perhaps quite a few levels deeper than that even.

What is the motivation of Biology ?

I think it’ll come from governance and gov decision making aided by Ai.

I like what the guys from CitizenX are doing, trying to get decision making by consensus by asking all stakeholders, and having an Ai sort all of their hopes and dreams. That way government spends time and effort trying to figure out what people want, people have proof they told the gov what they wanted and both can see where the other one stands.

While this is somewhat limited now by having access to tech (white, male, educated), as the project develops anyone will be able to contribute and be heard on what is important to them via all kinds of platforms. Will this ‘liquid brain’ work out better? I imagine it will.

(I dont work for them, not paid to post, I just like the concept)