Hi all,
Not sure what got my attention first, your presence on Facebook or the crypto project. I have been following both of them, as an observer for the most part.
I have a long-standing interest in computers in general and have a limited background in both hardware and software, among other things.
Not sure if anything will ever come of it but I have been using the ‘Peopleunit’ moniker for quite some time as I venture about on the internet, and I envisioned one day the development of artificial people, and using Peopleunit™ as a particular brand.
I also own the Peopleunit.com domain and have been offering (free) Linux based website hosting via that url for several years now. I figured it was a good place to start, a place for people to establish a personal presence of some sort, whether it be a simple website or something more extravagant as technology progresses.
For those who have an interest, you’re more than welcome to take advantage of the offer and start building your very own presence and persona therein.
For training and support there are a multitude of third party offerings and a variety of avenues that cater to that sort of thing so for now at least, Peopleunit is mostly about providing the platform, and we leave the training aspect up to the individual.
Unlike Wordpress, and other ‘free’ website hosting solutions, our hosting uses all the standard features as offered through the most prevalent CPANEL administration portal, so there is nothing proprietary about the sites that you create. And what you learn in going through the process of setting up a site of your own will apply to the vast majority of website development strategies in general.
This is where things stand today. In the future I would like to see people hosting DAO organizations on Peopleunit, and that is what I am currently focusing on.
I compute, therefor, I am - Peopleunit.
Am I in the right place?