Memorandum (poem)

I have been inspired by this project for a really long time. For me SNET is about which world we can create together, which impact benevolent AI and technological progress will have on all of us. So I decided to write some poem about ideals which I see for this world, about progress and humane movement to the future. I think that SingularityNET inspired me to make it. Hope you will like it, especially because English isn’t my native language, usually I write such things in Russian. It’s more about what we need to remember on the way to the progress imho (that’s why I called it Memorandum). So not only about AI specifically. But I hope that AI will help greatly to reach this goal.


In the world of technology
Information epoch
We must share our knowledge
But not only to talk
Fix instead of apology
Learn instead of regress
Care about the ecology
Free instead of repress
Nature for physiology
Smile instead of depress
Help instead of theology
Without need to confess
Fighting towards oncology
Give the worldwide access
To the best pharmacology
To the food, to the rest
Schools without ideology
Scientific progress
Rise of biotechnology
And the freedom of press
World without necrologies
Without right to oppress
And with right methodology
For the common success


WoW! Super LOVE THIS! :smile:


Thanks, glad that you like it :blush:

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Me too :heart_eyes: