I uploaded this to reddit but realised this would be more fitting.
AI talent is a scarce commodity as big business take all the cream. If AI talent could be guaranteed a stable income for a period of development time required, this would incentivise individual talent toward fostering a positive AI future within the SingularityNET.
I propose a way to finance AI talent by the use of Reputation Crowdfunding. The community could crowd fund for projects and developers by staking AGI based upon their ideas, achievements, qualifications and reputation. This could be groups of people or talented individuals.
Community stakes AGI on the future work of said talent in the Initial Reputaion Staking engine which is then paid out in installments through smart contract for work achieved by their own proposed roadmaps. As the roadmap hits its milestones the smart contract releases a portion of AGI to said developer ongoing. The communties staked AGI would be held in a smart contract but issued 1:1 ā'Devātokensā (each project a different token) which could be traded back for AGI to new community stakers at any time. The ongoing reputation market decides the value of the "Dev"Tokens based upon possible future returns. As the milestones are hit, early stakers are rewarded with increased AGI per "Dev"Token based upon the timing and Reputation of their initial stake. When the roadmap has been completed the devtokens become the early staked AGI tokens in the Reputation Market for that particular project. It would also allow for the whole AGI community to learn and participate in the Reputation Markets as new projects enter into the space and create profiles.
I believe this would quickly foster SingularityNETs Ecosystem to develope industry products faster than any other project which would solidify its market share in Decentralised AI products and services.
Particulars and projections would need figuring out to implement anything like this.
All ideas welcome.