Howdy, Eskender Tamrat | iCog, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Software Developer

Eskender Tamrat | iCog, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Software Developer

Welcome to the new forum space Eskender!

I’m not 100% sure here, but I assume from reading your credentials that you’re part of the development team who’s working on the plant disease identification project in Ethiopia using OpenCog?? Ben has talked about it extensively. You guys are amazing!

Folks, this is a prime example of concrete applications for AI. Projects like this one, that Eskender is working on, will help shape our collective future and contribute to the emergence of a benevolent AGI. Icog Labs in Ethiopia are rocking some pretty solid projects, including computational linguistics for African languages. :sunglasses:


Thanks, Cassandria. I should have made my project area clear in the introductory post. Although I’m part of iCog’s team, I’m not currently involved with the plant disease project. I’m just starting to work on GHOST (General Holistic Organism Scripting Tool) platform for the Singularity Net. But, you’re right, iCog is rocking big time.


Same team, different project then?

You guys rock anyways :laughing::laughing:

Thanks for clarifying! Keep up the great work, please!


Can you tell us more about GHOST (General Holistic Organism Scripting Tool)? Pretty cool name, btw :sunglasses:

If it’s not too top secret, of course… :rofl:

Will it lead to a ghost in the machine? :grin:

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It’s inspired by Chatscript (a rule-based chatbot engine). It’s Domain-Specific Language designed to allow human authors to script behaviors for artificial characters. As it says on the tin, GHOST is a Dialogue and Behavior Scripting Framework For Robots and Other Intelligent Agents. The design intention is to allow human authors to script behaviors for artificial characters

I’m just starting on it, although I had some experience working on Chatscript previously. You could get more on it here. Thanks for the interest.