Hi! I am Jobedi

Hello everyone,

since i watched „Singularity or Bust“ for the first time - i‘m completely fascinated by this project and took part in the TGE.

Unfortunately I‘m not a coder, but i would like to promote singularitynet as much as i can, e.g. with meetups in my area.

I‘m working as a tax-consultant in Germany, my interests are financial planning and taxation, both topics that artificial Intelligence can be very useful for.

I hope singularitynet will be the gamechanger i‘m expecting it to be

All the best wishes


Hi Jobedi! Welcome to the forum! I moved your reaction to a topic of your own. Awesome that you enjoyed Singularity or Bust! I really think that is something everybody should check out! Luckily you do not have to be a coder to have a say in how SingularityNET and AI should shape the future. We also need people that like to think more about the practical implications it has on daily life and how society would change because of it. After all, we want to promote safe creation of decentralized intelligence for democratic purposes.

It is really cool to hear that you want to promote SingularityNET in your area with for example meetups. Did you ever organize meetups before by any chance?

As for participating in discussions as a non-coder, we welcome you to start some topics or join some conversations about futuristic ideas and singularitarian ideas, or perhaps share your opinion or an essay about AI. If you are more of an artsy type we also have a category for creatives!

I hope you will enjoy the forum :smiley:

Hi Ibby,

thank you for the warm welcome. I didn´t organize any meetups until now, but some friends of mine are photographers, web-designer and event-manager and very open minded, so i think that wouldn´t be a big problem at all.

Definitely i´m looking for a use-case in taxation and financial planning to give the people back their sovereignty in financial affairs.

A couple of months ago you anounced a singularitynet-party in - i think - amsterdam. are there still any plans to organize a party?

since watching singularity or bust i´m down the rabbit-hole and won´t find a way out :grinning:

Have a nice day

Hi Jobedi,

Where in Germany are you based? I’m in the Munich area and also are no coder. I did some of the courses on Codecademy but I simply don’t have a coder’s mindset. :disappointed_relieved:
As I’m not much help in that area I did a bunch of translations. Links to the documents are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pj6Jkm7AIOPnzxOD7BDRlbfFXx3XuQ1k9msc7HTFRSM/edit?usp=sharing

And I started a AI news channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiyXE_wNekDHDrzMdvkzR1w
I’m not really good at that either, but I’m convinced that the community can benefit from such a format.
One topic that would be interesting to discuss in a future video is taxes on crypto earnings. I could use your help on that.

Hey Sebastian,

ich komme aus Nürnberg, also nicht weit von München entfernt. Gerne bin ich beim Thema Krypto und Steuern behilflich. Wir können uns jederzeit einmal diesbezüglich austauschen.

Sorry, für die etwas späte Antwort, aber ich bin etwas busy und daher nur in unregelmäßigen Abständen im Forum.

Beste Grüße

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Hi Joe,

mich würde vor allem Deine Meinung zu den bestehenden (Steuer-)Regelungen interessieren und ob Du denkst, dass da was geändert / verbessert werden sollte. So wie ich das sehe, haben sich in Deutschland viele entweder noch nicht wirklich damit beschäftigt, wie sie Cryptogewinne ermitteln und / oder sie wollen sich nicht noch ein Thema für die Steuererklärung ans Bein binden und / oder sie ‘vergessen’ es einfach, die Gewinne anzugeben.
Das Thema wird so schnell nicht an Aktualität verlieren, wenn Du mal Zeit hast, kannst Du ja mal was dazu schreiben, oder auf schlaue Literatur verweisen.
Danke schonmal!

Hey Sebastian,

anbei ein Link zu einem Artikel betreffend die steuerliche Behandlung von Kryptowährungen. Bei Gelegenheit wollte ich das Ganze mal in eine visuelle Darstellung bringen - so macht das den Wenigsten Spaß. Viel Spaß beim Schmökern…


Das Thema ist auf jeden Fall brandheiß und auf dem Schirm der Finanzverwaltung. “Vergessen” ist die schlechteste aller Alternativen, da ist man ruck-zuck in der Steuerhinterziehung. Auf der anderen Seite, kann man mit der Volatilität im Krypto-Markt auch “gestalterisch” tätig werden.

Diejenigen, die in Q4/2017 eingestiegen sind, werden vermutlich auf einem Berg von Verlusten sitzen, den man steuerlich durchaus sinnvoll verwerten kann.

Beste Grüße

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It’s so great to see more like-minded people join our community portal :slight_smile:

Haha, yeah, that was before I was hired :stuck_out_tongue: I cancelled it afterwards because it would be confusing as it was proposed as a community-organised party, and then I became part of the team…

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Don’t worry Ibby, I’ve contacted this rather dashing chap to help us organise a bash. :slight_smile:

‘I have, everyone has… They love it’ :)))

Hey Sebastian komme auch aus Nürnberg Langwasser süd :smiley: