First post cannot be deleted (Previous: "Show more" under the post)

@sophia roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 5


@rustam for this topic, first post, does a delete option appear for you if you click on the show more?

No, I actually wanted to write about it recently, I don’t see the possibility to delete topics.

Should I report a bug about this?

Hmm, maybe it’s just lack of rights for me

No I will change your title so I know - I will leave the “…” button as it shows more functions in reactions, just for some reason not in the first post I noticed.

Ok. By “shows more functions in reactions” you mean that you will leave it because there will be too many control elements by default if show all of them and remove “…” button?

Yeah I think maybe it is better to hide flag and bookmark as these are used less and if you accidentally click them anyway it might be annoying. It may have to do with the user trust level if someone cannot delete a post themselves. I will check tomorrow.

Ok, it makes sense. This topic was rather for discussion the best approach than for fixing something) Leave “as is” can also be good.