Dr Roboto : A Prof Einstein like toy robot

I’ll be working on Dr Roboto, a toy robot with opensource hardware and software, mining intelligence off singnet. I hope to make use of face-services by @Joel as a starter and any other awesome services offered by singnet.


show a demo maybe?

would love to… coming soon though. Going to modify the Professor Einstein robot of Hanson Robotics and I would share what we have as soon as I can.

This is fantastic! How is this going if you don’t mind me asking?

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we did a demo at Blockshow Asia 2018 just a month ago.
but some work remains for full functionality and release.

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A work in progress–the best kind of work. Thank you for the update. Did you happen to take a video as a teaser by chance?

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The organizers uploaded the entire event’s video on youtube. It’s during Ben’s speech. We have an emotion recognition service on singnet and it was using that to tell Ben’s facial expression. It was funny at the end when the robot couldn’t say good bye and Ben had to shake it and tilt it upsidedown.

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I seen this video! Totally awesome. This will be a crucial piece to integrate robotics into Nursing Homes and meditative agents. You sir rock! Keep up the great work.

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Thank you very much! Kind words.
We plan to enable the manufacturing of cheap iot devices for robots and other smart home appliances that don’t require hardware for special processing because they get their large computations from the AI services on the SingularityNet network. Much easier to deploy at large scale.
We will update all progress.

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Excellent idea. It already sounds like you have a plan which will scale nicely. Definitely looking forward to updates :slight_smile: