I see the project as a convergence based in need that spans multiple areas of study. For LIGO or LISA , the area of need is Characterization and Calibration for the Detector. I see this as comparable to the scientists looking into a microscope for the first time, and imagine the giddiness, as they try different materials , each one with it’s own set of miraculous discovery.
For AI and in particular Singularity, I see it as both an application reaching far into the future, and access to information which would help guide the calibration and characterization process, while simultaneously exploring primal organizational patterns critical to holistic knowledge.
My study is a niche field that explores recurring shapes and themes in mainly human behavior and products related to time. There are perhaps a handful of people who even engage in the study, and of those, even fewer who have computer access or even electricity. This was not always the case, as the sets of established templates have always existed.
Perhaps the best modern example is Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Fields, or Morphic Resonance. From the perspective of biology, genetic variants do not account for all adaptations or varieties.
A quote from the intro, “Morphogenetic fields are not fixed forever, but evolve. The fields of Afghan hounds and poodles have become different from those of their common ancestors, wolves. How are these fields inherited? I propose that that they are transmitted from past members of the species through a kind of non-local resonance, called morphic resonance.”
Here, the suggestion of non-local resonance absolutely ties into my own study and that of Dirac and LISA. That these patterns are fluid and change with time and space. I believe the project will find that as we travel through space and time, the patterns of life forms will be found to be changing in direct correlation to the data from the detector. It will therefore not only provide essential tools for calibration and characterization, but also be in place to make use or application of the data. If not directly exposing unified theory then certainly performing as a precursor.
One of the first correlations (index) I found, was between a set of 36 images from 500 CE and the descriptors of I-Ching hexagrams 21 - 56. Though not entirely image based, this provided invaluable data to continue to find other correlates. The thematic correlations combined with the imagery, seal the deal.
One example: The Ninth image of the set precisely matches the descriptor from the ninth hexagram. This provided a calibration point, as both systems were one off, out of 36. It seems common place for culture to purposefully dislocate one point of order in the set. I attribute this to standard practice as sort of a built in protection or disguising of the information. The Egyptian correlate to this particular decan image was also found to be missing from the Egyptian calendar , though had previously been recorded by Vivant Denon, upon it’s initial rediscovery.
Image of Pheonix - representing June 11- 20. Ninth decan of 36.
And the 6th line from the descriptor for I-Ching hexagram 29.
The ninth of the count between 21 -56.
"6. The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject bound with cords of three strands or two strands, and placed in the thicket of thorns. "
So this goes on and on throughout the correlation and also proves to be solid in the correlations of other sets spanning multiple cultures and thousands of years. The first 20 hexagrams precisely correlate with the 20 days of the Maya depicted by glyph on the Aztec sunstone.
So, then this transcends across other areas such as the periodic table and provides a numerically sequential , thematic, template for the study. This can then be applied by observing events and products, such as that of artists, who I see as antennas for space time providing a constant stream of data. I include scientists as artists, and they provide the same thing with their products.
Taking it to a more holistic finding, we can examine hexagram # 47, which correlates with the following, In the periodic table , Iron. In the Hindu set, # 28. In the 36 Views of Mt Fuji set # 26. At this point in the progression, the numerical differences are attributed to the offset as explained and the additional anomaly which provides calibration across all fields " the four warning decans" which are 4 specific ( in the case of the I-Ching 3) decans which are removed from the order and placed at the end of the sequences in all sets.
It is Santa Claus. The Hindu image for December 21- 31. Dated approx. 500ce source.
Note the white gloves, heavy load, white ball on top, and the male theme of work and attachment to sky. Chains.
Excerpts from Hexagram #47.
“For the firm and correct, the (really) great man, there will be good fortune. He will fall into no error. If he make speeches, his words cannot be made good.” Santa is not a public speaker. He has three words. Ho, Ho, and Ho.
“shows its subject with bare buttocks straitened under the stump of a tree. He enters a dark valley, and for three years has no prospect (of deliverance)”
" There come to him anon the red knee-covers (of the ruler). It will be well for him (to maintain his sincerity as) in sacrificing." Specific reference to red or scarlett is not commonplace in the hexagrams.
“shows its subject proceeding very slowly (to help the subject of the first line), who is straitened by the carriage adorned with metal in front of him.” The Sleigh.
“He is straitened by (his ministers in their) scarlet aprons. He is leisurely in his movements, however, and is satisfied. It will be well for him to be (as sincere) as in sacrificing (to spiritual beings).” He is invisible. And Scarlett aprons.
“shows its subject straitened, as if bound with creepers; or n a high and dangerous position,”
from the footnotes…
"The character Khwăn presents us with the picture of a tree within an enclosure; ‘a plant,’ according to Williams, ‘fading for want of room;’ ‘a tree,’ according to Tai Tung, ‘not allowed to spread its branches.’ " Always with a tree.
“That it is the ruler who comes appears from his red or vermillion knee-covers, different from the scarlet knee-covers worn by nobles, as in paragraph 5. Let 2 cultivate his sincerity and do the work of the hexagram as if he were sacrificing to spiritual beings; and then, if he keep quiet, all will be well.” Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Now the correlate from Hokusai’s 36 Views of Mt Fuji.
As the Chinese are expert minimalists with the I-Ching, and the Hindu images are more singular normally, Hokusai here shows complexity and detail, as everyone knows Krampus comes with Santa and we have two men sharing the load. Tying the shoes, is the most often used excuse to escape burden, and the sack appears quite heavy. The other characters are actually a blending into the next two decans, but also descriptive of hidden identity. Hokusai uses this type of descriptive focus by various figures accurately throughout the set.
By function, no other element carries the load for humanity than iron. In construction, we call it 'load bearing". We could not build to such heights without it. Thus, it transfers to symbolism as the first decan of Capricorn, the flying goat thingy, Cardinal earth.
Flight is highly associated with this Decan. As we observe the symbolism convert into real time events we find little reason to attempt to imagine coincidence as anything but lack of knowledge or correlation.
The Rutan Model 76 Voyager was the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refueling. It was piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. The flight took off from Edwards Air Force Base’s 15,000 foot (4,600 m) runway in the Mojave Desert on December 14, 1986, and ended 9 days, 3 minutes and 44 seconds later on December 23, setting a flight endurance record.
And sometimes toys - Masaya Nakamura Father of Pac Man born in Rope Decan Dec 24.
Stan Lee - Creator of Iron Man - December 28.
So, this is one example of the correlation process of one aspect of one cycle. There are many cycles of time, and many considerations of space. When these are taken together, it becomes like chemistry, in that the blending of elements into compounds is very much like calibrating space time. The numerous components of multiple cycles, observed and analyzed to predict compounds. Just as Mendeleev was able to predict the existence of elements based on a simple correlation that provided a template or pattern, such is the work that is ahead.
There is no field of study, that has waited longer for the tools now now available. It is a race horse pushing against the starting gate. The capacity for interaction by multiple areas of interest such as artists and scientists is like a heavy wagon with the axels buckling. And likewise, the potential for misuse is like Krampus, and it would be irresponsible to ignore the potential negative aspects resulting from the misuse. So, the intention is to seed it in the best possible place.
Taipei 101
Opened - Dec 31. It has a unique feature recognizable in space time.
Ropes, and a ball. Lot’s of intentional symbolism was incorporated into it.
On the aspect of the more regrettable events that must be studied for calibration, there are numerous examples. One of the more profound , highly precise, recent examples is the correlation between the events of Sandy Hook primary school shooting and the Attack at Chenpeng Primary school. both occurred on December 14 2012, just as the day was beginning, on opposite sides of the earth, 12 hours apart. Examine the similarities. Sometimes Krampus comes just before , and it would be nice if we were more prepared. We have regressed in this category as the ancient knowledge passed along, indicates. This twin event was predictable.