AGIX on Metamask has wrong quantity

Etherscan shows I purchased 57000 AGIX buy my Metamask Wallet has .00000057000. There was a Reddit post that stated ETH conversion messes up the conversion, but that doesn’t seem to make sense. Any ideas on how to get my wallet to the right quantity? The dollar value on the Metamask Wallet shows $0.00. Thank you. I tried many times to add the token, but Metamask wallet say I have the token already.

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I just had the same issue with 10000 AGIX which was posted as 0.0000010000. BUT, as I found/read that the ETH exchange had somehow miscalculated, I decided to start a swap instead. My 10000 AGIX was worth 0.5 ETH. I did not complete the transaction but will investigate more. I hope this helps.