Help us make SingularityNET a better community! Contribute by providing us feedback, reporting bugs and requesting new features for the forum (report SingularityNET software bugs in the appropriate github repo). For project ideas please leave these in the “Suggest a Project” category.
When reporting your feedback, bug or feature request, please follow the following guidelines:
- Report one issue or one feedback point, or one feature request per topic. This allows us to better manage the issues/requests/feedback.
- Make sure you don’t post a duplicate topic. Similar topics show up to the right of your “new topic” panel on a desktop for example, and you could also use the search function.
- In case of bugs, please describe the exact steps that caused the issue.
- Feature requests have their own separate category. Please note that we will not be able to process feature requests on the short-term, but we do want to gather ideas for when we can process them at a later stage. We encourage you to express it if you agree with a feature request by liking or commenting in the corresponding topic.
When we have solved or processed your request/report, we will close the topic and move it to the solved category. If you feel like the issue was not resolved, please open a new topic for the issue.
Thank you for helping us make this forum better!