About the FAQ category

Do you have questions about SingularityNET? Please feel free to ask anything here.

Please adhere to a couple of guidelines:

  • Before asking your question, please make sure that you have used the search function first in order to prevent duplicate questions.
  • If your question has been answered, please mark it as a solution so others can see.
  • Please also use this category for newbie technical questions instead of asking in the AI categories.
  • Formulate your question as clear as possible with as much detail as necessary.
  • Please only post 1 question per topic. If you have multiple questions make a topic for each of these questions.

We might adjust your title a little bit to make the question more clear for others. For example, if you started a topic with the title “token details”, we would change this to “What are the AGI token details?”.

You can find an overview of all questions asked here.

Thank you very much!



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