I was born in Dominican Republic and live in Switzerland. I love both cultures, so I have kind of both in me. I am passionate reader of Scientific articles, specially about cosmology and quantum physics. I like almost everything that has to do with tech and there we come to SingularityNet. I fell in love with SingularityNet and I support the grand vision. For me it stands for freedom and for more control over your own informations this will be a big step in AI evolution and hopefully a transition in to AGI in the future. My dream is to travel around the world In few years when my kinds are more grown off. I also want to build affordable homes in Dominican Republic and make this isle I was born in a better and cleaner place to be. I guess I have alot in front of me and that with the possibility SingularityNet maybe open up, things become simpler to take on and have a long lasting success. We are in early days. I will give it my all as good I can and I hope you join our Community to try and change things for a better future, where scarcity becomes a word of the past.