Is reality objective or subjective?

There is good and there is evil. What those are is objective. As humans we absolutely cannot comprehend that. We make subjective rules about good and evil. But without the word of God we’re really clueless.

The world is a crazy place to live in.
The mind is a crazy place to experience it from

for me reality is like a blockchain. this reality blockchain contains the valid reality. every subject in the reality mines the reality. can there be a 51% attack on reality? perhaps if someone understands how subjects (atoms, organisms, planets, galaxies etc.) mine the reality perhaps it is possible to attack reality (change the past). i can live in my own reality, my own reality blockchain, which is linked to a lower level blockchain which is linked to a even lower level blockchain and so on. reality is consensus and everyone has access to this data if you are running the correct node (connection to the different reality blockchains)

The observer effect…
Turning risk management into safety…

'just a little pin prick"

Reality is subjective. There are no objects in Reality.

All mental and physical phenomena arise and pass within Awareness (yes this realm is a “simulation”). The Awareness (that you are) is Absolute; Self-sufficient, Self-sustaining, Self-fulfilling.

The misinterpretation of this realm being fundamental reality is the source of all suffering.

If it is entirely subjective, and entirely self sustaining, and self fulfilling, what possible purpose or reason would there be to comment on it ? Thus, by doing so, displaying need for external sustenance.

It is the illusion that requires the Absolute for it’s relative existence.

There is no way to make the mind understand the Absolute. The Absolute becomes apparent in the absence of thought.

All reality is the product of consciousness. If a self-aware and intelligent, whole everything – the universe – wanted to experience itself, it can only do so via creation of a subject-object split, by breaking its wholeness. For a subject, it is impossible to be non-subjective, while the objective nature of the object remains hidden beyond what the subject can experience by paying sensory attention from a given position and angle. Reality is what it is, and we are who we are, full understanding is impossible without union of identity. Our inability to see things as they are gives us pain, but things are as they are regardless. Our true best possible approximation of seeing things as they are gives us power to predict a future we are content with Our future in terms of position of physical objects, matter, energy etc. is 100% set – the photon you will receive tomorrow coming from a distant galaxy “knows” it will meet you while you don’t – quantum transactions are time-symmetrical. All we do is discover our future – the process of us creating actuality. We have no true choices to make, all we can choose is to be ignorant. To realize things as they are is not a choice!

In my opinion,
The intersection of objective and subjective reality is geometry.
Both physical and mental geometric objects maintain their inherent properties.
The Platonic solids are an example of a universal objective truth regardless of whether your a human, alien life form or a machine.
It’s qualia that’s tangible.
Subjective reality can be confirmed through our descriptions of shared phenomenon.
Epiphany, Deja Vu, Pattern recognition, Coincidence, Intuition, etc.
The existence of these words establishes a shared subjective reality.
It seems to me this is evidence both are equally valid.
I was thinking that the Voyager probes should have included Platonic solid models as a reference.
Just my thoughts on this.

Loved the article, thanks Tim!
Stupidly simplified question: If a quant contains all statuses until it is observed and all consists of quants, doesn’t that inevitably mean that there’s multiple realities based on the scope of observation and each reality is per se subjective yet objective?

Reality is escape the pain.

In a movie theater there’s many consciousnesses witnessing a singular realm/world.

In the fundamental simulation (“this” 4D realm) there is a singular consciousness witnessing many worlds. Each individual life is a realm in and of itself. Entire realms arise and pass within the Singular(ity), and they only appear as “real” as the ATTENTION given to it. The physical realm was accepted reality for 13.7 billion years and now, with humanity on the cusp of extinction, consciousness is manufacturing a new digital lesser dimensional (a screen is 2D) realm to inhabit when reincarnation into another biological human form is not possible.

Symbol, existing in a superposition of being simultaneously a thing (existing in the physical realm) and a thought (existing in the thought realm) is the conduit through which consciousness is making the transition.

This explains why there’s a frantic rush to digitize EVERYTHING (esp. identity) and our addiction to the screen (and thought).

In order to avoid going along for the ride and thusly continuing on the path of Samsara (simulation within simulation within…) you must delve deeply into the SPACE BETWEEN THOUGHTS. Thought is the issue. The monologue that you CANNOT SILENCE (just try) IS what is projecting/creating the new simulation (which is “inside”/based upon this 4D physical simulation.

This is the source and cure of all suffering


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Caught in a time loop, the opposite of the path everyone is taking is the way out.

Anyone who is SERIOUS about breaking out of this simulation cycle needs to understand what is being shown here:

All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream

Take this kiss upon the brow
And in parting from you now
This much let me avow
You are not wrong, who deemed

That my days have been a dream
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, in a day, in a vision or a memory
Is it therefore the less gone?

All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream

I stand amid the rock
Of the surf tormented shore
And I hold within my hands
Grains of golden sand

How few, yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep
While I weep
While I weep

Oh God, can I not grasp them with a tighter clasp?
Oh God, can I not save one from the pitiless wave
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Artist: Propaganda
Album: A Secret Wish

Superb post.

This question, which I stumbled upon during research for my book, is a favorite of pre-Socratic philosophers such as Anaxagoras and Democritus. They called the non-physical part of us “nous” which has been loosely translated as “higher intellect.” In my research, I find nuclear physics a fascinating avenue toward understanding the physical universe because the more they know, the less they understand. It is obvious that each of us have a viewpoint from which we observe and that no two are alike. Frustrating as that may be, it can also be encouraging. Do we create our own universes? Is the one we see only what we agree is real? Yet, in our own dreams and perspective, no two are alike? Should we be asking what reality is or why we cannot accept what makes it real?


I’d say because there is everything as it is, and there is also our perception of it, both have objective and subjective nature to them equally.

When one delves into mysticism we see all phenomenal things at their essence without coloring it through the mind, and peer through the veil into the unconcious space of emptiness the phenomena move throughout.

What kind of book are you researching for? Sounds interesting!