Ultimate Twin

A Digital Twin is a virtual model of a process, product or service.
I propose to expand on the emerging Digital Twin capabilities for (example) industrial plant monitoring to create a virtual twin for “anything” that might add increasing value for a User.

A simple example:

  • a User has a smart device (phone+) enabled with “basic” features that allow data capture – vibration, acceleration, temperature / thermal imaging etc.
  • the User buys a washing machine and is encouraged to enable the “Twin Agent” from AI Marketplace
  • over time, the smart device captures relevant data that impacts the User Experience (noise, power consumption…)
  • the User is given feedback if and when required about the performance of their washing machine
  • the data is shared with the manufacturer.

The above simple example implies much greater, longer term benefits:

  • the commercial value of the correlation of mass product data to provide useful information for manufacturers etc.
    • how are their products being used / misused in different markets…?
  • a link into systems that optimize the product (for example, AI Generative Design)
  • the most useful data captured in each context (e.g. vibration via smartphone) suggests product enhancements for IoT etc. in a virtuous cycle
  • Machine intelligence (Product onboard AI?) further enhances the twin capability and fidelity
  • there is a transition cycle per context:
    • from passive (collect operational data)
    • to active (analyze and optimize for efficiency, maintenance etc.)
    • to proactive (upload new features, fixes and enhancements).

I found a good reference example this week:

Will the European Green Digital Coalition Save the Planet and Economy? (designnews.com)

“… the use of virtual twins could reduce global CO2 emissions by 7.5 gigatons between now and 2030”