Progress update

At the moment I see AI as a dual challenge. First as processing metadata of facts and making rational decisions on it. Secondly giving meaning to the non verbal communications and observing all the (changes of) states of senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) of a person when AI interacts with or looks at a person.

I would like to read periodically updates of the developments of progress of AI in these areas seperately or combined. Does something like this already exists in bulletin for example or elsewhere?

Perhaps you can point me into the right direction.

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I think I totally misread that at first, I’d like something like that as well.

I signed up last year. I’ve posted once or twice and read some other comments. I’ve not seen much interaction/conversation compared to telegram. What are the advantages? Ps Arcology is the subject of multilevel integrated living? But here it’s just a company name? There relation with SingularityNet is unclear from the intro? Just all a bit confusing at first glance.

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Telegram is micro managed. This platform is opaque. Run by the marketing team… atrophic.
The challenge rests with the supervisory council to take the reins from Arif and ???..

We are at a critical point in the growth of the project… cutting the umbilical.

time for vocational training…
AGI practitioners certified to conduct Penny’s meet ups… a supervisory council agenda item? Y/N.

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A curiosity I have, how are the resources being spent?

It occurred to me one of the best ways to get to ASI is by networking a bunch of approximately human-like AI together, rather than spending a bunch of resources on building one large super-network.

So most of what’s being spent is on proper teamwork practices, by making sure human-level AIs don’t have conflicting goals, or that somehow said human-level AI understand a large piece of that puzzle and it contributes to the larger effort.