Hey I'm Tim Richmond - SingularityNET Evangelist

Hi there, I’m a self proclaimed futurist and Singularitarian.

I have been an active member of the the SingularityNET community since Nov 2017 and have a strong belief in this projects’ goals and overall ethos.

I have a few ideas for SNET services and It is my hope that through this platform I can meet people who could help me realise them.


Hi Tim! It is amazing to have you here :blush:! We have been talking frequently via Telegram and you always have amazing ideas. With this platform your ideas could potentially be executed :smiley:! You can start your own project here or perhaps suggest a project here if you would like others to perhaps pick up the idea.

Looking forward to seeing more of your ideas!


@Tim_Richmond is in the house! And you’ve captured the ‘Tim’ username :sunglasses:

It’s been great chatting with you over the last few months Tim. I’m really looking forward to fleshing out a lot of your ideas on this forum. I think the community will help refine the ideas a lot, and possibly (fingers crossed), we can get some developers to begin working on the best pitches :star_struck:


Tim, great to have you here and part of our community!


It’s been and continues to be my pleasure to interact with so many like-minded forward thinking positive people!

I’m super excited at the prospect of sharing and collaborating on new ideas.

I plan to write my ideas down into posts here and see where it leads :blush:


Thank you Arif, it’s great to be a part of this excellent development. Ibby has really done a fantastic job :smile: